TerraBB – A solution to the microplastic problem caused by airsoft gaming

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TerraBB team

Microplastics have become a global concern in recent years. They pollute water bodies, harm wildlife, and enter the food chain, where their effects can be long-lasting and unpredictable. Traditional ABS-based plastic BBs and so-called biodegradable PLA plastic BBs used in airsoft are part of this problem. Although PLA plastics are technically biodegradable, their degradation in nature is so slow that they contribute to the accumulation of microplastics.
TerraBB airsoft BBs have been developed to solve the microplastic problem caused by airsoft and to ensure the continuation of the hobby.

Problems with PLA Plastics and the Accumulation of Microplastics in Nature

PLA (polylactide) has long been a popular material for airsoft BBs due to claims of biodegradability. However, this claim does not hold up to scrutiny, as PLA plastic decomposes only under industrial composting conditions, where temperature and humidity are strictly regulated. Natural conditions never match those of an industrial composter, which significantly slows the degradation process. In practice, decomposition stops almost completely at temperatures below 58 degrees Celsius.

PLA BBs, however, begin to crumble in nature due to erosion and wear, but erosion does not break down the polymer molecules. Instead, erosion accelerates the breakdown of PLA plastic into microplastics. True biodegradation occurs when polymers decompose into water and carbon dioxide, not into smaller plastic fragments, such as microplastics. From an environmental perspective, it would be better if BBs remained intact, but unfortunately, no material—whether PLA or traditional ABS plastic—can resist erosion and wear.

Environmental Legislation and New Requirements

Environmental regulations have tightened, and the use of current PLA- and ABS-based BBs is becoming increasingly restricted. In Norway, environmental authorities have already imposed strict requirements on airsoft BB usage, which has hindered outdoor games and even caused some airsoft businesses to go bankrupt.

Many European countries, including Germany, are already following Norway’s example. Disposable PLA-based items have already been regulated, and it is only a matter of time before the same applies to airsoft BBs.

The EU’s proposed Green Claims Directive will bring additional challenges. This directive requires clear evidence for environmental claims, making it impossible to market current biodegradable BBs as environmentally friendly. This could even impact rental agreements for airsoft fields, which require the use of biodegradable BBs.

Certified and Safe Materials

TerraBB represents the third generation of airsoft BBs, referred to as TRUE BIO BBs. The polymers used have internationally recognized OK Home Compost and OK Soil certifications. These certifications guarantee

  1. Non-toxicity – No harmful chemicals that could harm plants, animals, or microorganisms in the soil.
  2. Soil safety – Materials decompose naturally and leave no microplastics or other residues.
  3. Home compost biodegradability – Materials decompose even at lower temperatures without industrial composting.

From the perspective of airsoft BB’s, OK Home Compost is the most nature friendly certificate available at the moment. However, we want more from our airsoft BB’s as they are shot in the nature. This is why TerraBB’s biodegradability has been tested in Nordic laboratories to validate its environmental claims. These laboratory conditions have imitated the conditions of several different soil and climate conditions found around the world, including Norwegian soil and climate. We hope that in the future there will be even better certificates that take natural conditions into account and enables more accurate standardization of products like TerraBB.

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